At every grade there is an option of sitting for a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate.
Rockschool Grades will equip you with Music Theory and Technique to take you to a higher level. You’ll earn an internationally recognised qualification by performing songs chosen from a huge repertoire, expanding your vocabulary as an artist and developing your talent.
Performance Certificate: the only requirement is to sing five songs without additional exercises.
Each grade has its own book and comes with a download link, where you can get all the relevant materials including Backing Tracks, Supporting Tests and Technical Exercises.
There is a choice of Vocals, Piano, Acoustic Guitar/Ukulele or Guitar Hot Rock with Exams split into five sections: Technical Exercises, Sight-Reading and Improvisation and Interpretation, Ear Test, Performance Pieces, and General Musicianship Questions. All pieces are contemporary.

AMEB has introduced new guidelines for Video Exams in 2022. View the info at the bottom of the page or Click this button to view information.
- Technical Exercises consisting of Scales, Arpeggios, Intervals, Technical Studies and for higher grades, Backing Vocals, Melodic and Stylistic Studies.
- Sight-Reading or Improvisation and Interpretation. Here you will practice this during lessons, but in the exam the material will be new. For higher grades, a Quick Study Piece will be in place of the above.
- Ear Tests, Melodic and Rhythmic Recall with higher grades including Harmony Recall.
- Performance of three songs where the examiner will be looking for execution in pitch, dynamics, and improvisation.
- General Musicianship Questions on your theory knowledge with vocal and microphone technique for higher grades.
Choose your grade for more details.
- Technical Exercises consist of Scales, Arpeggios, and Triads
- Sight-Reading and/or Improvisation and Interpretation.
- Ear Tests for Melodic Recall and Chord Recognition
- Three Performance Pieces
- General Musicianship Questions related to one Performance Piece in the following areas: Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, Technique, and Genre.
Choose your grade for more details.
- Technical Exercises consist of Scales, Chords, and Riffs, with Arpeggios for more advanced grades.
- Sight-Reading four bars of quarter and half notes – and for later exams, Improvisation.
- Ear Tests for Melodic Recall and Chord Recognition.
- Three Performance Pieces
- General Musicianship Questions related to one Performance Piece and knowledge of your instrument.
Choose your grade for more details.
- Technical Exercises consist of Scales, Chords, and Riffs, with Arpeggios for more advanced grades.
- Sight-Reading four bars of quarter and half notes – and for later exams, Improvisation.
- Ear Tests for Melodic Recall and Chord Recognition.
- Three Performance Pieces
- General Musicianship Questions related to one Performance Piece and knowledge of your instrument.
Choose your grade for more details.
- Technical Exercises consist of Scales, Chords, and Riffs, with Arpeggios for more advanced grades.
- Sight-Reading four bars of quarter and half notes – and for later exams, Improvisation.
- Ear Tests for Melodic Recall and Chord Recognition.
- Three Performance Pieces
- General Musicianship Questions related to one Performance Piece and knowledge of your instrument.
Choose your grade for more details.
Updates to Exams for 2020
Rockschool has introduced two graded exams, Graded Certificate (Debut to Grade 5) and Performance Certificate (Debut to Grade 8), that can be submitted via video submission.
The candidate has up to 28 days from the date of enrolment to submit their video exam recording. The AMEB (NSW) office will email enrollers, advising them of the deadline date by which the video exam recording must be uploaded. The email will also include Video Exam Recording – Upload Instructions. Please ensure you have read through and followed these instructions carefully.
Rockschool Video enrolments closes on the 9 October. Click here for more information on Rockschool video exams.
Rockschool face-to-face enrolments open on 29 June and close on 17 August. Exams will be held from 10 October to 28 November (unless otherwise advised).